18x24 Abbey - Charcoal/Pastel



This is the first life-size dog portrait i’ve done and is one of my favorites. The client had a clear vision of how he wanted to portray he and his girlfriend’s dog. Her little tongue was a big part of her persona, so the touch of pink was the perfect way to bring her personality through the drawing. I know this piece was very special to the clients and I am so happy to have been able to create a lasting memory for them.

“i couldn’t contain my excitement so i took it home and showed her tonight. she absolutely loved it. she told me to tell you how amazing you are and that you’re so talented...So thank you so much, it’s beautiful.”
-client, february 2021



This is my family’s yellow lab, Sophie. She is smart and quite sassy. This piece was done in 2014 for my end of semester art studio my freshman year of college. Little did I know this was the start of what would become The Ivory Slate. After posting this on social media, I began to get several request to do pet portraits for others. And then it went from me sharing my work to my clients also sharing my work with their friends and family. I am so grateful for the ability to connect people and to have a small part in creating something special for them.


“Sophie” was a part of a larger charcoal series of three 22”x30” pieces. It was a series portraying moments and scenes from my childhood home. The second piece was a landscape of my backyard where my family spent a lot of time together. The third piece is an interior scene around the fireplace. I am not much of a fan of winter but I love sitting my the fire, and I enjoy the experiences and conversations that are had around it.


Hand in Hand // 4'x8' // charcoal

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It isn’t often you get the opportunity to work on such a large piece but this one is quite special to me. Back in college, I did this 4’ X 8’ foot piece for an end of semester project. It was inspired by several things but I left the interpretation up to the viewer. I began a study on how orientation alters a piece and how that simple change can completely transform the meaning.


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